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NTUMC68 is a unique class. They graduated in 1968. Among those graduates, there are outstanding academic achievers, which include president of national university, deans of medical schools, members
of Academia Sinica, and professors of renowned universities in bothTaiwan and the US.
The “non-academic” professionals, or what we called the “practitioners”, also have been a hardworking group, making contribution to the society just as important as their academic counterpart. These professionals include this one, CWL (陳文龍).
陳文龍 was born into a poor family in a fishing village called 安平 in Southern Taiwan. Both his father and brother were fishermen. They were “討海人”. As “三天出海, 二天曬網”, their family income was limited and unstable. 陳文龍 ‘s mother had to find outside jobs in
order to supplement the family income. Everyday she“幫二三十家人洗衣服” among many other works.
During his childhood, he tried to help his father do some fisherman’s work. One day, he was on the fishing boat holding a 橕桿 and tried to pull the boat toward a school of fishes so that his father could spread the net over them. He failed because he did not have enough strength and he missed the direction. He felt quite sad that he could not help, but then was approached by his father, who held his arm and said to him:"這麼軟弱的手, 做不了粗活, 好好用功讀書去了. "
He did study hard in school, but continued to help his father do the work except for getting onto the fishing boat. He was the only child in the family continued to attend schools after the elementary school. In 1961, he got into NTUMC through the tough college entrance examination. While in the medical college, besides working hard in his school study, he also worked as a 家教 doing private tutoring in order to help pay for his tuition and living expenses.
He had a special charm that everybody liked him in the school. He was polite and smiled all the time, and probably because of his mature and “old” looking as well as the way he talked, the
classmates called him “阿公仔”. I called his dorm room “三代同堂”,as besides him, the “阿公仔”, there were his roommates called “囝仔”and “阿伯仔”. He was also a good writer and often wrote articles forthe school bulletin, or even sent them to newspaper agencies for
publishing. I praised his talent and once sent him a couplet“文心雕龍, 終非池物”, which I asked my father to write with毛筆 on two separate pieces of paper. I framed them in a pair of glass frames. He later kept them in the living room of his 安平老家. It was certainly one of my great honor.
During his college years, he met with his sweet heart and they got married during his internship year. He kindly asked the college official to let him use the 會議室 for his wedding reception. Only his
and her classmates and his 導師 were invited. It was the most plain,yet thoughtful wedding reception I had ever seen or attended. He called it “結婚同樂晚會”. He just wanted to be blessed and shared his happiness. There were no fancy stuffs, but plenty of blessings and humors.
More importantly, ever since his medical college years, he has contributed his energy and devotion in the field of public medical and health education. After graduation, he went into the training in
pediatrics and then Obstetrics/Gynecology. He has published many books, mostly in the fields of children and women health. At his 6th year in medical school, he wrote “怎樣急救”and “開刀房裡的故事” for教育廳 as 兒童健康教育讀物, and “克敵記(預防注射的故事)” in his
internship year. During his OB/GYN training, he further published“孕婦護理學”, “家庭醫學漫談” and “少女醫學” through 台灣商務書局;and later on “現代婦女醫學” and “女兒經” through 迅雷出版社; and“揮別青澀, 健康成長”through 遠流出版社. He has also been invited to the community to speak on various medical and health issues between his busy office work schedules.
陳文龍 has especially devoted his time and energy in providing healthy sex education and correct information for the young generation. “幸福九號” is his 青少年生育保健親善門診, which has
benefited numerous youth.
One of the many contributions he has provided to the society is that he has made many great financial support for his hometown 安平.He set up scholarships for the poor 漁家子弟. In his recent book,
“杏林深耕40年”, he stated: "寧願燒盡, 不願蝕光. 蠟燭還沒燒盡,體力還沒用光. 雖然只是微光, 只是薄力, 為家庭, 為社會, 為國家,我願意繼續發光發熱向前走."
陳文龍 is a plain yet great inpidual who has for years been
Yeh Tze
.posted by Yeh Tze at10:39 pM3 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
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